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Miqlat, the Hebrew word meaning “place of refuge”, is the name chosen to express both the call and function of our ministry. In Malawi, we build Hope Centers, physical places of refuge and hope, where the most vulnerable children of the region may find protection, build thriving lives, develop their unique talents and own their roles as leaders of family, community, and country.

For children and young adults in rural Malawi, inclusion in the Miqlat sponsorship program creates access to a new quality of life and expands the scope of dreams.






Why Malawi?

As people of God, we believe we are called to all the ends of the earth, to be the good news and to personify Christ’s love in every nation to every people. We are grateful that no one Christian is alone in fulfilling these far-flung missions! Each has her or his own calling and placement in the scheme of reaching all creation. Our commission is to love as Christ loved in our particular corner of the world. For Miqlat, it is Malawi. What is yours?

Go, therefore, and make disciples of all nations…and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, in all Judea, in Samaria, and to the end of the earth.
— Matthew 28:19 and Acts 1:8

Click to experience a visual immersion of Miqlat. Meet our children, see our spaces, experience Malawi. 

Click to experience a visual immersion of Miqlat. Meet our children, see our spaces, experience Malawi. 

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